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A's: Van Allen & Mantha
Congrats to the guys. Good choices!
A's: Van Allen & Mantha
Josh Ciocco has accepted a position as an Assistant Coach at Brown. That's according to a Tweet from @MarkDivver of the Providence Journal.
Josh Ciocco has accepted a position as an Assistant Coach at Brown. That's according to a Tweet from @MarkDivver of the Providence Journal.
Does Louis Mass take over recruiting? Or we bring somebody else on? Justin Johnson would be huge for the hometown folk, fresh out of the NHL & AHL would be welcoming to recruits.
Does Louis Mass take over recruiting? Or we bring somebody else on? Justin Johnson would be huge for the hometown folk, fresh out of the NHL & AHL would be welcoming to recruits.
Ciocco gone doesn't look good for the program.
Ciocco put together the "action plan" for "save the program".Maybe Joey Crabb will end up being more than a volunteer? Can't say I blame Josh, with all the uncertainty the program faces right now. But it's still very unfortunate.
I'm beginning to wonder if somebody on the soccer side is lobbying quietly for it. I need to poke my head around a bit.I just can't see the program moving forward. I think this will be the last year of hockey. Even if someone ponies up 1.9M, how about 2018, 19, 20, etc. It is not sustainable at all. Hackett knows this and will replace hockey with Soccer. I think their goal is a total Division II sports model. And that sucks.
I'm beginning to wonder if somebody on the soccer side is lobbying quietly for it. I need to poke my head around a bit.
On the personal front, soccer at UAA could be a benefit for me as I'd be capable of being one of the referees. But college soccer sucks rules wise and I'd rather attend hockey games.
Interestingly, they've been on the down from 10-11 with 10 wins, to only 5 this past season. There GF's and GA's also follow UAA stat wise...At best it is a lateral move (assuming our program stays floating).
I just can't see the program moving forward. I think this will be the last year of hockey. Even if someone ponies up 1.9M, how about 2018, 19, 20, etc. It is not sustainable at all. Hackett knows this and will replace hockey with Soccer. I think their goal is a total Division II sports model. And that sucks.
Interestingly, they've been on the down from 10-11 with 10 wins, to only 5 this past season. There GF's and GA's also follow UAA stat wise...At best it is a lateral move (assuming our program stays floating).
Based on the proposals that are going to be made by the President of UA to the BoR, this certainly will be UAA/UAF hockey's last year. The NCAA will not combine nor grant a waiver...
Quit making these blanket statements, you do not know this for certain.
If I understood what I just heard on the news, the regents voted not to cut sports. They put the ball back in Johnson's court - at least that is how I took it.