Agree with you! I am really pushing my friends who were Aces fans, to get season tickets for UAA games this next season. I think I convinced a couple today to do so. I was hoping UAA had time to get their info together to have a table at the last Aces games to sell UAA season tickets. I did suggest it, but I doubt that happened. Someone really needs to renegotiate the amount of money that UAA gets from a ticket sold at the door. Season tickets are the answer. I hope UAA can come up with an awesome strategy to tap into the Aces fan base, as well as the humungous number of sponsors who supported the Aces. Talked to one sponsor today, and was shocked to hear she gave $488 a month to have her info on the jumbo tron. Holy cow!
UAA and SMG really need to sit down and cut the sh ite. If they don't find a better balance of profit, SMG could be responsible for getting our team axed.