It sucks but it's better than it could've been. I think Freiss and Company just took a bullet for the hockey team, remember that donation time.
So, what's the likelihood the NCAA approves the waiver?
So, what's the likelihood the NCAA approves the waiver? And if they don't, what are the remaining options?
If the waiver is denied, Johnson said UAF would see significant reductions in scholarships to meet the 20% cut mandate, and UAA would be cut to ten teams. But I think there is still pressure to cut bigger $ at UAA and hockey may be gone.
But I would like to know how much do they think they are saving by reducing scholarships. There is a big difference between “the value” of a scholarship vs the “cost savings” of eliminating a scholarship. Only if UAF is at capacity, and a student athlete is taking the seat of an otherwise paying customer, is there much of a cost to a scholarship. Make significant cuts to athletic scholarships and not one professor will lose a job, nor one cafeteria line worker, nor one housing officer, not one book store clerk and certainly not any administrator. Where are the true savings? Since many our folks are on partial scholarships, they’ll need to factor in the lost revenue from the athlete’s share of housing, food, books, etc.
Travel, coaching salaries, facility rental, and equipment & supplies are true, and not insignificant costs.
There is no reason our teams should not be at their full NCAA allotment of scholarships. Don’t confuse real life with internal cost allocations.
So glad we get to enjoy more seasons of terrible hockey...
Pathetic effort. Thomas better start earning his paycheck.
They haven't been competitive against any team; it's looked like men v. boys every week. There's lots of season left ... but this team looks done. Put a fork in them. Also, someone please teach Tad Kozun how to stay on his feet or sharpen his freaking skates. Bring back the Talafous left-wing lock and you'd have more success.
Is it just me or does Matt Anholt skate about 30 mins per game? The guy is a real quality defensive player but going forward he is an absolute nightmare. He cannot control the puck on his stick. Thomas apparently doesn't see it. What did the Renouf's line get tonight? 12 minutes ... 14? Anyway, as a Captain (leadership off the ice), I've got no doubts that Matt Anholt has all the characteristics you'd want but the truth is ... his skills are subpar for a D1 hockey player.
I think every other coach for UAA has had a better winning percentage than Thomas (he's at .392 before this weekend). If you go by that then the guy is the worst coach we've ever had. In his years here I've never gotten past the impression that he doesn't really get the difference in coaching that college kids need from the ECHL.
At least the players looked happy eh? Lots of smiles under their face masks when interacting with their opponents. Glad they're having a good time.