Re: TV Shows 6: Abed and Troy in the Morning! Havvveeee you met Ted's Wife yet?
How I Met Your Mother:
I can't really come to this site during work hours, but when surfing through CNN's site today, I read a story that I can no longer find. It stated that this season's finale will contain a scene from the wedding in which Ted meets 'the mother.' The article went on with a quote from the show's creator that while this scene will not include 'the mother,' this episode lays the foundation for all of next season and works towards meeting her. It sounds like they actually have the big reveal all planned out, to some degree or another.
How I Met Your Mother:
I can't really come to this site during work hours, but when surfing through CNN's site today, I read a story that I can no longer find. It stated that this season's finale will contain a scene from the wedding in which Ted meets 'the mother.' The article went on with a quote from the show's creator that while this scene will not include 'the mother,' this episode lays the foundation for all of next season and works towards meeting her. It sounds like they actually have the big reveal all planned out, to some degree or another.