Re: TV 4 - Renewed for another thread!!!
I think just about any moment from the finale could be a contender for stupidest moment of the season. I shouldn't get into plot holes because out of the five story lines of the show, none of them ended up making any sort of sense. But here goes:
1. Benford's story line:
So yes, Hellinger felt it was necessary to send the kill squad into a building that was rigged to explode, and there was a kill squad dumb/dedicated enough to follow through with the mission.
You're forgetting the fact that they knew Benford, along with everyone else in the world, was going to be unconscious and defenseless literally ten minutes later. Why bother sending a bunch of henchmen in there to randomly fire their never-ending supply of bullets into an empty office when he could have just waited ten minutes, walked up to Benford, and shot him in the face?
The plan would have made slightly more sense if Benford still had the blackout ring, but they had Lost guy perform some high-risk insane robbery to steal the ring as a cliffhanger. Then when the next blackout comes, neither Lost guy nor Harold wants to wear the ring, mainly because they have zero need to. Brilliant.
2. Lost Guy and Harold
Let's get the two most interesting character on the show into a room together at the most dramatic point and then have them do nothing.
So they break into this physics lab and Lost Guy hacks into this sophisticated computer system in about 17 keystrokes over some dramatic music.
And then all of a sudden, someone we don't know, can't see, and don't care about just breaks into the computer from somewhere else and undoes everything anyway for no apparent reason. That's Flashforward in a nutshell. There's a lot of cool stuff happening, but you're not allowed to see any of it.
Also, that baby we've never seen and nobody really remembered anything about? It's a boy. I think it was a supposed to be a girl. My mind was blown.
3. Doctor and Japanese Pimp My Ride Chick
So we go all season with this Doctor and Roger Sterling's New Wife building a relationship together and it all leads up to the climactic scene in the finale where Doctor basically says, "I know we've become really become close and you helped me through my cancer and all. And I know that you're probably ABOUT TO GO GET DROWNED, but I saw this chick in a vision, and I drew like twenty creepy pictures of her, so check you later. Except probably not because we both think you're about to die, and though we've spent much quality screen time together, I couldn't give a ****."
4. Olivia and the Nutty Professor
This is the peak of the stupidity. Episode after episode they keep hitting the fact that Olivia and this dude need to be together and it's really important and blah, blah, blah.
Why did they need to be together in the finale? So physics guy can get a text message from somebody else. Lost guy puts trillions of pieces of data on his phone and this schmuck can only get cell phone reception inside the Benford bedroom.
The other reason they HAD TO BE TOGETHER? So autism kid(who shockingly had more charisma than the non-autistic girl) can write down a formula on a mirror. That's cool and all except it's the same ****ing formula physics guy had written down on a piece of paper at his house.
Also, for a super-genius physics expert, this guy has to the be the world's ****tiest problem solver. This was the second time physics guy had a big revelation where he went, "Of course! I couldn't make this work when I only thought this problem in one specific way. But if I think about it in a slightly different way, it's all so obvious!" Except neither was a big revelation because it's stuff the audience already knew like four episodes ago.