Re: TV 4 - Renewed for another thread!!!
The most interesting ANTM cycle of the last few years ended last night with Krista beating Raina in the final. Not surprised Krista won, although it would be hard to find a more stereotypical "Cover Girl" model than Raina.
I'd give Krista a 7 for catalog, 7 for editorial and a 10 for high fashion. Raina I'd give 10, 5 and 5 respectively. They will each have solid, unspectacular careers in their strengths; if either were to break through, it would be Krista, so presumably the judges picked correctly.
With Tyra's afternoon show going off the air, I wonder if she'll devote more time to ANTM or wind it up, too. Of the usual suspects we saw very little of Miss J this year, leading to speculation that like Janice and Paulina before him, he has run afoul of Tyra's Monstrous Ego. Jay Manuel came in spurts (sorry) -- he was nearly invisible during the middle episodes, so hopefully he's got real life gigs. Nigel continued to smolder, while Tyra no longer had to share the stage with any woman judge and seemed somewhat less mentally unbalanced. The new regular judge, Andre Talley, was entertaining and seemed to not take it too seriously, which is essential for that show. There is only one God, Tyra, and Jay Manual is Her prophet.