Russell Jaslow
Registered User
How did you know then?
Are you asking how did Irv know? He said it to her face before he dragged her off to the water to drown her. When she shot the barb at him about missing Burt, he knew the Innie Helly R. would never be that mean. The Innie was a nice person. And that's when he knew. He then guessed to her that she was the Outie the whole time after OTC. Personally, I think she was only the Outie starting after she watched intently, over and over, her Innie giving Mark that kiss. The Outie knew she could never be that uninhibited, and she wanted that feeling. Remember how she was so awkward trying to kiss Mark again in the hallway just before they went off to try and fine Ms. Casey? Her Innie would have kissed him. The Outie pretending to be the Innie didn't know how to go about it.