I never had that negative reaction to Community, though, so I'll bet R&M is perfect for me.
I get the impression that you hate "Meta for its own sake," whereas I live there.
No my problem with Community wasn't the meta (although they overdid it) it was more that you could tell when they ran out of ideas and kind of mailed it in. They often went to the same well too often which takes away from the creativity. I think they even mocked themselves for it which was both funny and kind of a flashpoint. Again though when it was on there was nothing better. (the Pillow Wars were amazing and the episode where Abed joins a study on behavior and drives them all nuts had me rolling!)
I think the shift started when they leaned more on Troy and Abed instead of the ensemble. I mean some of the group just had nothing to do for multiple episodes. It started to become the sitcoms it tended to mock in that certain characters were just there to be there, said a line in their style then might as well have been potted plants.
Rick and Morty is different. It is actually a show that I have a hard time defining both why I love it and why I sometimes don't. It breaks the 4th wall the right amount but does it in different ways that are imho more creative. To me, it seems like Harmon took what he learned on Community and honed it better. Rick is by far the best character (you will love him) and Morty is a great straight man/stupid sidekick who kind of speaks for the audience. The rest of the family is hit or miss but they have some great episodes too. The stories make little sense and yet they make TOTAL sense. It is kind of weird...
This is a true conversation I had about it once:
Me: So I just binge watched all of Rick and Morty...
Friend: and you love it right?
Me: I do, but can you tell me WHY I do?
Friend: nope I was hoping you could tell me why
I do!
Me: ........
Friend: It is just super fun and clever and stupid and discusses things we discuss and we kind of wish we were Rick drunk all the time going on adventures being smarter than everyone and yet still always somehow making simple mistakes that put the world/universe/multiverse at risk?
Me: Yeah it is like every sci fi show ever made only not being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator while also quirky enough and funny enough to still real the LCD in!
Now you will mock that conversation...but if you watch the show you will understand. If you ever trust me on anything (for serious now) go back and watch it all. Power through some of the early episodes because when it hits its stride you will love it.