Finished season 2 of Lasso to catch up with the new season release.
A question and then some review in spoilers in case anyone hasn't gotten through yet:
What was Nate's deal in the last couple episodes? I know he had been getting an ego after the "Wonder Kid" stuff, but the blow up at Ted for not paying attention to him seemed to come out of left field, unless I completely forgot some scenes from earlier on.
It makes sense to me. He always could be a little mean, like in his roast is season 1, but when he didn't have any real power it didn't mean anything. Given the type of personality he is surrounded by in a locker room, once he has power and fame he is going to think you have to use it in a negative way. Regarding Ted, while Ted did give him the promotion to the coaching ranks, he then more or less ignores additional growth he might need from there. Ted doesn't do that on purpose, he might think he's given Nate the leg up he needs and he can handle it from there, but Nate's personality, where he has a habit of not quite trusting people, makes him feel like he's been set up to fail. And there's a bit of him liking he got some recognition and praise early on, so when that becomes less constant (as he has the job now and should be pretty happy with that), he takes the lack of overt praise as criticism.
Poker face ended well, too. Although there will be another season.
SNL is so hit or miss.
I learned something, which should not surprise me but does: they have an extremely aggressive laugh track. During Weekend Update there was a fantastic gag where Michael Che had gotten the entire audience to go silent on a Colin Jost joke, and apparently it worked, and it absolutely destroyed Jost in real time.
But. Because of the laugh track, it was absolutely ruined over the air.
And now I can never trust them again.
Jon Oliver daring Disney to come after himLOL. I wonder if they do
where is Shelly miscaviage LOL
Most of this week was strong
Jon Oliver daring Disney to come after himLOL. I wonder if they do
where is Shelly miscaviage LOL
It's all subjective of course, but I'm curious -- which did you like?
Other than Weekend Update, which was solid as always, I can't think of any live skit that was good. It didn't help the hostess was without talent or charm.