Re: TRP: Sloppy Seconds & Leftovers
Finally home. Sheesh. What an ordeal. My niece and I arrived in Boston about 2:45 (bus home from NYC). My parents picked us up. I had called them from the road to see if they had talked to my brother and sister-in-law about getting my niece back to their house. When we got picked up, my parents said that we were all driving her up to the Olive Garden by where they live. It's a simple, family-friendly place. My niece loves it. On the ride up my brother calls to say they're at the OG and it's an hour wait. That was about 3:15. We got there at 3:39. Met them in the waiting area. At 4pm, the hostess tells my brother that they told him an hour wait and they put our name in at 3:20. We were finallly seated around 4:30-ish.
Waitress comes by to take drink orders. My brother orders a Diet Coke. They're out of it. Out of Diet Coke. He asks for a water. My niece and sister-in-law ask for root beer. They got brown water. Something wrong with the fountain thigamajig. My nieces ordered fried mozzarella for an appetizer. The drinks, salad and breadsticks took a while. Waitress finally comes to take our dinner order. My mother orders the ravioli. They were out of it. Of course. niece and sister-in-law both got ginger ale to replace the bad root beer. Appetizer came out 45 minutes after we ordered it.
Around 5:30, we notice that two parties that were seated after us are further along with their dinners. My mother says to us that she bets they never put our order in. The waitress keeps coming by saying "It'll be two minutes." Fifteen minutes later, she said it again. That was when I posted earlier. The waitress came back to apologize that yes indeed, something happened and our dinner order was never placed. Manager came over, lots of apologies all around. I thought the waitrss was going to cry. I felt bad. I don't blame her specifically. Everything that could go wrong, did. It was just such a looooong day and I didn't need it.