Re: TRP: Sloppy Seconds & Leftovers
The Waffle House doesn't pretend to be something its not.....its proud of what it is: a greasy spoon chain of health-code violating filthiness.
IHOP, by its very name, is posing as something decent. It failed.
That is a good point. And dammit, now I want me some Waffle House.
But, if the average person really thinks about the full name of IHOP, it is ridiculous to even think that it's any good. Talk about a HUGE re-wording of what it is (think: pre-owned car instead of used car, etc).
International: Currently only in North America (US, Canada, Mexico) technically it's international, but face it: they are in the US, The Poor US, and The Wanna-be US.
House: generally, in the restaurant/bar business, when I see "house" or "huis" etc, they are trying to gussy up their title of said business. I see it as a throw-away term, not a term that IHOP is using to pretend that they are top-notch.
Pancakes: leads you to believe that's all they serve. Well, they serve more. In fact, the only reason I ordered pancakes at the one IHOP I've ever been to is because I felt I had to; just because.
In summary, I don't think they are pretending to be something they are not, but their fans are trying to make gold out of frozen urine. Sure, both are yellow/gold in color, but that is where the similarity ends.