Mlynkova in the wcha will be fun to watch. A point a game player or very close for her entire career, 4 world championships under her belt, direct experience helping Czechia evolve as a program, and doesn’t wither in big games. I’d describe her as creative and tough, in the way she plays.
One of the criticisms of Frost has been he’s playing Murphy too much. Not sure if that’s true or false, but here is some help nonetheless. Add in the BC girl whose name I can never remember, Chloe P? And these guys are pretty stacked for next year.
I’ve been trying to imagine the next several years in womens hockey, and it’s hard because you never know what thing will happen. Example - imagine if Barnes didn’t get pulled from BC in fall 2017? Imagine if Canada didn’t snub the reigning Patty Kaz winner for the 2018 Four Nations? If UND and Rmu didn’t get cut and pour talent into other programs? Could things have been different?
Ultimately maybe coaches need to be agile regardless of what happens and perhaps that was a shortcoming of Minn the past few years. Or not. Getting Mlynkova feels like a statement for sure, though.
Wisconsin and OSU flexed when they scooped up UND and RMU talent, won big portal moves over the years, and Wisconsin hosting the U18s on short notice was wild.
It does feel like a new era is coming in so many ways particularly because of the stature of the defender that Minn got, along with it being the last year of 5th years, and no looming centralization.