From the Eagle Tribune. Merrimack athletic director placed on leaveMight work out for the best. MD from Merrimack is a far superior canidate and with Merrimacks AD suspended, the door might have just slid open. Timing is everything
Well ... maybe Dennehy is back in play after all...From the Eagle Tribune. Merrimack athletic director placed on leave
You are all just getting my hopes up.
This coaching search is a joke.
oh please oh please oh please oh please.
God, if you are listening, please, please please hear my prayer
Timmay and Amherst?
oh please, oh please, oh please
The ONLY way that happens IF TW ask to be released from UMaine or if he was out right fired,which neither will happen........................S A D L Y.
Are you serious, or being sarcastic. This thing really has turned into dumpster fire. Players will be back on campus in about a month...they might wanna get their collective arses in gear and hire a seems the players want Red Gendron to come back and be their coach. Is that something UMass would consider?
At this point, I am with all of you. I would take Timmay in a heartbeat.
Are you serious, or being sarcastic. This thing really has turned into dumpster fire.
UMass player just told me, "we're not making a decision, & I dont want to speak for everyone, but I'm not alone in wanting Red to coach us"
I know its not a sexy choice, but what about BU A/C Buddy Powers? He's got tons of HC experience, and is really well regarded in New England hockey circles. Plenty of ifs -- includingwhether he'd have any interest, but he'd be a great hire to settle things down. Now y'all can tell me how lousy an idea this is. Fire away....In any event, hope they get this thing put to bed --- soon.
WOW! you obviously have no experience with the "Buddy Powers as Head Coach" show... As a long term fan of RPI I can tell you no one in Troy would ever want him back. His time as coach as BGSU was not exactly a gleaming endorsement either. If he had the chops to be a good head coach, he wouldn't have come back to be an assistant to Jack. So please don't even say that name with regards to the vacancy at UMass. Unfortunately the UMass AD might take the idea seriously.
Well that'd be an extremely solid hire...if they could convince Red to take the reigns. That guy's resume is a long as my arm - both college and pro. I met him a few times here in Albany when he was with the Devils -- very nice guy.Serious as a heart attack.
From Mike McMahon of the Eagle-Tribune:
@JoshuaKummins: @Fighting_Saints have signed HC/GM Jim Montgomery to a two-year extension. Cross another name of the #UMass list.