I'll still be there tonight. Not sure who I'm rooting for tonight. I've gained a lot fo respect for the Cadets and (most of) their fans this year. I'll probably end up leaning in that direction, particularly since my seat is virtually surrounded by Norwich fans.
However, if Oswego had won, I would probably be taking a pass on this one. Not because It's Oswego, but because of the OSwego fans. Unlike Remy, who is critical of it, I was GLAD to hear that most Oswego fans will not be in attendance. The Oswego fans arena-wide were some of the most smug, rude, and
completely oblivious to the game I have ever seen at a college hockey game.
I'm all for chanting for your team, etc. But every time Oswego scored the phrase "How does it feel to be Oswego's B****?" or something similar was directed towards the St. Norbert
Fans' section. Further vulgarities were directed at players who received penalties. BJ O'Brien played like the 1st-team All-American goalie that he is, and yet every few minutes I would hear "******* you, BJ! You Suck! Wait until the Lakers actually try!" I was tempted to respond to some of these ("How does it feel to have a lead in this game? Oh, you don't know???" or "BJ was 1st team All-American. What was KGT, exactly???" or "Good luck winning a National Championship with a team that's not trying!"), but I was respectful and didn't direct a single word at them. At first I thought it was just the Oswego fans near me, and I wouldn't care as much if that were the case, but I did notice similar things coming from Oswego fans all around the ice, and I was disgusted.
Plattsburgh was in much the same situation as Oswego in the second game, but not once did I hear any vulgarities, any pokes at Klinger. Heck, most of the Plattsburgh fans I was near were completely blown away by how GOOD Kilnger was. Leis, too... with the exception of Norwich's second goal.
Good luck to St. Norbert. Good Luck to Norwich.
Congrats on a great season Cards! Congrats on an amazing season Lakers!
Thank You for going home Laker fans!