Too many women at mtu taking spaces from men?
I was thinking too many blacks, asians, and Indians (caste not tribe). But frankly, yours would probably check for some.
Too many women at mtu taking spaces from men?
It's not saying much. As a college student, I would rather attend any of the aforementioned schools due to location alone. Any students leaning toward heavier scienced based degrees would be better served attending NDSU, UND, etc. But, Morris is not a bad school, considering its location. Certainly helps they're apart of the U of M system, which I think is excellent, but being a native Minnesotan, I'm biased.
A good explanation as to why the crab population dropped.
tl;dr Overfishing because of poor regulation dating back to the (surprise) Reagan years.
Yeah, it’s a combination of overfishing (trawling being a big factor too), climate change, and poor government management.If I understand it right (I only stayed at a Holiday Inn so what I gathered is basic crap mostly from The Deadliest Catch captains) back in the day Snow Crab was worthless, everyone only went after King. Then King was slowing down and Snow became valuable (it was everywhere) so they fished the heck out of that. Instead of learning from their mistakes though they just copy and pasted the same crap and now both are dying off.
edit: Reading that thread answers a question I have had from watching the show all these years. It used to be that it was rare that boats went to the Russian Line. It cost a lot of money and was risky as hell. Now they all do it just to catch any Opillio. Now we know why. It is the only place juveniles can go to survive from predators.
Yeah, it’s a combination of overfishing (trawling being a big factor too), climate change, and poor government management.
Fun part for Alaska: The vast majority of boats and workers don’t live in Alaska, and since Alaska has no state income taxes the State gets very little benefit.
Who hasn’t masturbated near a preschool?
he has suspended his campaign
Who hasn’t masturbated near a preschool?
he has suspended his campaign
Reminds me of that story we read while in Grand Forks about the lady watching porn with her windows shades open so the kids at the elementary school across the street could see everything...
That is exactly what I thought of right away.
don’t forget she also had volume cranked so the kids could hear the porn
That editor should be fired. If he’s wearing a cowboy hat, then he is clearly not naked!
Reminds me of that story we read while in Grand Forks about the lady watching porn with her windows shades open so the kids at the elementary school across the street could see everything...