St. Clown
Ideas Posted are Likely Not My Own
Look I'm currently subbing in a school that is a full on bleepshow because the district has all but outlawed discipline (I literally broke up a fight yesterday and both kids were back in my class 5 minutes later...this place is a fucking suburban hellhole) and yet I would never think what that fuckwit county is proposing is a good idea. Kids having a little fear of authority is good...fearing they might get beat by that authority is going to lead to massive massive problems in the best light...teacher death in the worst.
Fuck Florida.
I’m the youngest of 5 boys, with a big age gap between my older four all born in the 60s, and then me in 77, and they were mostly raised in the South while I was raised up here in MN. All of that is said to state that it’s hard for me to relate to the terror my brothers must’ve lived through all the way up through their Jr. High years. I hear stories all the time that Bro 3 would get into trouble all the time. As soon as a teacher mentioned anything approaching corporal punishment, he would run away from school. From the sound of it, he was really good at hiding from the staff. What good did that serve anybody? (Although, Bro 3 proved very good at evading police during some high-speed chases back in his 20s, too, so maybe some good...)