Re: The Rapture is scheduled for May 21!
Everyone still here? The Rapture is supposed to happen (again) today...
Everyone still here? The Rapture is supposed to happen (again) today...
Everyone still here? The Rapture is supposed to happen (again) today...
Well isn't this just the most shocking event to ever happen.Everyone still here? The Rapture is supposed to happen (again) today...
3.5 hours to go. (I assume God is on Eastern time.)Still here.
3.5 hours to go. (I assume God is on Eastern time.)
Still here.Everyone still here? The Rapture is supposed to happen (again) today...
I'm still waiting.Just a note, today was supposed to be the end of the world not the rapture. May 21st was the rapture and October 21st was Armageddon. Even though the rapture didn't happen when it was supposed to, Camping still said the end of the world was supposed to go off without a hitch.
I'm still waiting.
I was already planning on attending the next time an ECAC team wins the NCAA title.Lets all get together for the next end of the world!
Well that's clearly wrong, because it's a sign that you're doing something right.After midnight here, and if there was any sign that this prediction was bogus, MTU lost tonight. I swear if they went 5-0, I was gonna head straight to church and start prayin' for forgiveness.