So I'm watching the Northeastern/Western Michigan game now. The first period just ended. The horn blew at the EXACT same instant as the embedded clock hit zero. As far as I know (of course, we don't spend our lives trying to see if clocks are synched...but I will do this now for the next few games), this is pretty accurate. So what are you saying? "Which clock" are the horn and light synched to? You're saying there's a "second clock" that's "official?" And where is that? At the operating board in front of the scorekeeper? And how do you know there is a "delay?" What "official" clock are you comparing it to? So how are the players supposed to know how much time is left? Are you KIDDING ME???? I refereed for 17 years...the SCOREBOARD clock is official. Heck, I remember they passed that rule in the old AFL back in the 60s EXACTLY for this reason, so that nobody could dispute the end of the period.