I ran into Justin Gilbert today, and had a brief conversation with him. I doubt this will surprise anyone but he described the starting job as "his to lose". So as long as Gilbert stays healthy, I'm not too worried about Oswego's goalie position. Zawadski seems like he would be an adequate backup for Gilbert this year in case of injury or as relief to keep Gilbert from getting worn out.
It seems to me that the change in financial aid is seriously changing how Oswego is putting together their roster. Before, Oswego had a remarkably small roster at only 24 guys, and now Oswego might be boasting a roster of over 30.
My conspiracy theory: When Oswego was offering the international scholarship, we wanted to minimize the roster so that the number of athletes receiving that scholarship didn't stand out and invite sanctions from the NCAA. So we recruited just a few guys, but made sure they were serious quality guys. We didn't take any chances on guys that may or may not be great, we went with the sure thing. Now that we don't have the international scholarship, we're trying to get a really big roster with a lot of guys that may or may not turn out to be great at the college level. The hope is that if we get enough of these guys, that enough of them will work out and become great.
Thoughts guys?