I'm also going to post my Second Annual Summer Topic of Gripe 2010:
You know what I think is separating Miami from the past 2 National Championship teams (besides 7 goals)? A killer instinct. I realize that I'm gonna get killed by the majority of the MU posters on here, defending our beloved alma mater. And I begrudge all of you no such right. However, pray oblige me this short time to explain.
How many times have we watched our men have to defend a 6-on-5 because that 1 goal lead wasn't at 3 as it should have been? Granted, there are advantages of playing in close games throughout the year: you are never out of a game; you are used to it come playoff time and doing get tight; you play to control the play. Also, Miami has shown the ability (save the BC loss in the national sem-finals) to score when needed. They faced a 2 goal deficit 4 times last year and responded nearly every single time to at least tie the game. But what I want to see is that absolute hunger to absolutely bury teams early and often. I want to see 2 and 3 goal leads in the first period. I want to have our opponents embarassed and demoralized after 20 minutes of play. With our goaltending, this shouldn't be overly difficult.
Fire away, ladies and gents.