Re: The New WCHA (2013-14)
I honestly think that the only way you can make it work is to go with a small facility and drive demand through small supply. Find a barn with 2,000 seats and do it old time hockey style. Will people mock the nWCHA for it? Yes, but wouldn't the nWCHA be mocked for tumbleweeds at the Resch? It's lose-lose unless you look at having a small barn as a feature. Imagine a world where the league is having to look for a bigger barn because the demand for the current host is too high.
Small barn, beer sales, reasonably priced hotels, and easy transit. That should be all that you need. If this is at a member school? Awesome. If it's neutral site? Awesome.
Well put. As a long time attendee to the current Final Five, the simple fact of the matter is that after next year, its gone forever. College hockey will NEVER capture that atmosphere, attendance and cash again. The Big Ten tourney will do alright at St. paul, but it won't be the same, and the NCHC is in for a rude awakening when it comes to their tourney (unless they hold it in Grand Forks every year). So the WCHA is left to pick up the pieces, and even though I wish it could still be held at the X, there is no way it will work. I think by holding it it a smaller arena (I think 2,000 is to small) and marketing the hell out of it, along with getting it on TV, as well as a web stream for those who simply cant make it they could get the attendance up to perhaps find a 4K venue that would hold it and give a good atmosphere.
I do think that a league city would be ideal, perhaps a rotation to start between Bemidji (new state of the art arena, enough hotel space, but city doesn't offer alot), Mankato (once they renovate their arena it should be pretty nice), Marquette (I have no idea on their arena? but the city is nice and offers alot of other activities).
I am biased towards the northen half of the league here, but from what I have seen I will say that these teams will travel the best. If it is anywhere in the UP, then at least 4 teams are within reasonable driving distance. Bemidji is getting out there, but it has probably the nicest arena of the new WCHA, and its city will embrace the tourney. I have to believe that the WCHA could put together some package deals to whatever city for travel. Make it an event with plenty going on between games, and make sure to sell beer, liquor and shirts. The best thing about the current final five is that it is a known entity... I know its in St. Paul every year, and there is no last minute travel plans to deal with.
It all boils down to marketing, and I think over time it could work, drive up demand and atmosphere by playing in front of 3-4k fans, and if we need a bigger site, than that is a great problem to have. I really think we are better off growing this tournament within our own fan bases first, and then try and sell it to a bigger audience down the road. I belief that will produce a better long term result.