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Re: The New WCHA (2013-14)
Read back in the thread. the Resch is probably Not available. It's going after women's HS basketball which is the same weekend. So either the WCHA changes it's calendar around to have the playoffs a week earlier, which is certainly possible, or we are most likely going somewhere else. Suzanne hinted at it too in her comments about Tech hosting the Regionals last weekend.
I'd prefer the Resch too but you have to be prepared.
Read back in the thread. the Resch is probably Not available. It's going after women's HS basketball which is the same weekend. So either the WCHA changes it's calendar around to have the playoffs a week earlier, which is certainly possible, or we are most likely going somewhere else. Suzanne hinted at it too in her comments about Tech hosting the Regionals last weekend.
I'd prefer the Resch too but you have to be prepared.