Re: The New WCHA 2, The Electric Boogaloo (2013-14)
The decision making process on a number of issues has slowed to a crawl. There's a reason for that.
Remember a certain coach, in an interview a few weeks ago hinted/ said that there would be more changes in membership other than Huntsville. Where there's smoke, there's fire if you ask me.
I think having BGSU in is a net plus for the league, but maybe not as important as BGSU thinks it is. It's hard to tell if they are throwing their wt around or not.
I get a kick out of those ignorant journalists that assume that the nchc will be fine financially, but that the wcha won't. "Oh the poor wcha.! I hope they make it!" What a condescending attitude.!. What they are really saying is, " We don't think they will have much of an income stream compared to the nchc, and we doubt they can make it financially because of that". I Totally disagree.
I think if some programs drop hockey,( I doubt they will, at least right away) it can be laid directly on Denver and und. NOT the b1g. I don't think that the nchc will have any better competition than the wcha, or any more recruiting or marketing power or money. But the WCHA needs to change in a lot of ways, and it better be a LOT more aggressive marketing the product,( I would NEVER invite an nchc team to the gli. **** them, but in the next two years we have two of them)
One last thing. The league could solve a lot of this if they could solve the travel distance issues. Which they could do if they wanted to. We are not the only league looking at expensive travel problems either btw. I'm pretty sure Duluth is not looking forward to a trip to oxford every year for instance.