Funny - All this because everyone thinks the Dakota Daisies and DU Pie in Ears architected all of this for money? When in reality,,,, it was the Colorado Springs Business Community that actually thought this up and suckered "D Pew" and the Nazi "Flick Her Tails" into thinking it was in their best interest too (which I believe it might be).
It started when the BTHC forced the little guys hands that created NCAA hockey in the first place (aka CC and the Broadmoor Hotel along with its Business partners that believed in Sport on an International Basis in part due to money but MORE THE FACT that they could simply host such wonderful event). Call me old fashioned, out of touch, whatever,,, I don't care.. Colorado Springs Business (which is certainly also good for the entire state of CO (blow me DU, Colo Springs gave you another Boone - I mean Bone like when they gave Denver the state capital over a century ago) architected the NCHC as reaction to the BTHC pulling the plug which would stagnate the WCHA (2 of 3 fan anchors leaving). So does anyone really think the NCHC was a Knee jerk reaction??? Gimme a break - I think we have all known that the BTHC was coming for some time now. WCHA needed more change than just MN and WI leaving, it needs to stand on its own. The Colorado Springs Business community pulled off the Coup De Graz to start a "MINOR money generator" (NCHC with all its members - albeit fairly small $ and I wish at least 1 Alaska school was in) while still keeping the passion and true love for the sport of hockey (read their mission statement "best fit with commitment to hockey" not to mention decent schools too and that is why I think ND will join and possibly why UAA was not invited, yet). Who cares if they do or don't play in the X or WCHA anymore? That was going to dwindle (not die) when the BTHC formed. The remaining WCHA will do just fine in their Hockey hungry markets (albeit smaller than when UND, MN and WI were constant conference factors). Now however, the NCHC schools will have their own NCHC tourney, although not as big a draw as F5 (yet or most likely never). Did I mention that I have been a regular at the F5 since inception and thought it was the Best College Sports Event Ever (especially at the X)!!! I digress sorry.
So the NCHC tourney will either be a locally rotated event (the Link at UNO, Ralph in ND, Pepsi Center, Amsoil arena, etc) or a centrally event driven by Geography (UNO comes to mind) and by a bit of the money factor. Take note - Colorado/NODAK sick of St Paul gaining 100% of the hotel/business revenue outside of ticket sales. Coup De Graz is that Colorado Springs Business Community sought a way back into "leading" what it started in the Broadmoor Barn in 1948 (Passion for Hockey and only a little bit about money). We certainly hope the little schools in the NCHC with true Hockey tradition can add a big name in he Notre Damsels but if not they will survive without them and hopefully even grow Hockey in general (would love to see CSU or other large scale school with solid fan base join up in the next 5-10 years).
Bite me everyone!!!!
Your Old Fashioned Hockey Loving Mate - THAT HATES THE BTHC