So, I took my mom for a second appoint at a pretty well respected memory clinic yesterday. Her memory has been in decline quite a bit the past 10 months or so. Actually longer than that but it's been more noticeable. Official diagnosis from the doctor there was Alzheimers, which I thought was different than senile dementia which is what I thought she had but based on what they said, senile dementia is a kind of Alzheimers. Or something like that. She's in the early to mid stage.
Anyway, reason for the post today - the doctor said she was eligible to take part in a clinical trial as part of her treatment. It's totally non-invasive. It's a set of headphones and glasses that people in the trial have been asked to wear for one hour a day. Apparently it's been having some success. They're on the third round of the trial. He said they're expecting FDA approval in the next couple of years. I feel like I should get more information from them, though. Like some documentation about what the trial is all about, what they expect it to do...he did explain it, but I left there empty handed. I wanted to discuss it with my brothers before agreeing to anything. My mom, of course, doesn't remember the conversation at all so I'm worried she will forget to put it on. It will require me to stay with her for the first week or so till she gets used to doing it. There are no side effects - no meds or anything. I don't see much downside. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Has anyone here ever been part of a clinical trial for anything?