Update on the fiasco that is the medical system. Turns out the local hospital let go most of their lab staff, contracted with Labcorp. The Rehab has contracted with another lab. No such thing as reliably stat labs unless you are admitted in house. Even ER has trouble with some labs.
THankfully FIL les survived and is home but the complete incompetence of the lab systems is really frightening. Last week he spent >20 hours in the ER or being transported from the Rehab. First time he had labs drawn and his Hgb was 5.39 (Holy SH!T!!!). No one called anyone. They faxed labs over at noonish --> trip to ER for transfusion- didn't get home until past 1AM.
Second time he was 5.8, they decided to order a redraw the next day (no one let us know). The results were low, they called at 1 for mr les to transport him to the ER. He was there at 1:30. Sat for 5+ hrs before he was put in a room and then another hour before anyone saw him. By that time he was hemoconcentrated from dehydration so they didn't think he qualified for a transfusion. They finally re-ran labs, he got transfused. Back in his bed after 1AM.
A few days later they ordered blood and scheduled a bed for a transfusion. The lab never drew the blood. The facility called for them to come out to draw blood. They have 4 hrs to respond. After 5p we got a call that no one showed up to draw the blood. The infusion bed was cancelled. They reordered labs. No bed available for 2 days. If abnormal he has to go to the ER again. He has already said he won't go. Thank God he was normal.
THe Nursing staff are superstars. The system ... It would be easier if he were in a 3rd world country where the system works by paying. Here- the system just doesn't work. Even with the 2 of us having decades of experience, calling, asking for a contingency plan, advocating, there was no way to circumvent the completely dysfunctional system. Thank GOd FIL les has the constitution of an ox. WIth his hx (cardiac, diabetic, recent ARF) a count like that could be deadly.