It has taken a few yrs for people to start talking about it but OMG was it good to hear it be acknowledged. Have 4 people over the age of 86 in my family. Have watched incredibly bad medicine with lack of cohesive care, ridiculous roadblocks to people trying to practice good medicine and been told I should accept the way things are... I am unreasonable when I expect things that would have gotten people [fired, written up, or loss of licensure] if they weren't done before. Bad outcomes due to bad medicine because the money grubbers have set things up to prevent good medicine. I have averted a few disasters but stepping in but not always there or capable.
Currently one of my family is in hospital after near death d/t no one dealing with the thing that would have prevented the event, lack of timely care, and most important no coordination of care. Went from very active- walking a mile a day, running a business to intubated, MI, bypass vessel failure, kidney failure, all of which prevents treatment of another condition that will now be fatal.
I spent 3 days agitating before we could get anyone discuss how all the diagnoses affected what could be done. More importantly- it took
7 days to get anyone to discuss his full code status= they thought coding would be disastrous but no one seemed to think it was on them to discuss. They all said changing it should be top priority 4+ days ago.
NO movement from medicals on offering the change. I continued to ask. This guy is a medical mess and could crash at any time. Nothing. Finally his long time specialist got wind of this (he only rounds inhouse one time a week) and talked to the pt. The person agreed but wanted to talk to family then change their status. Staff was informed in early evening- would be "handled the next day".
The next morning nothing mentioned so family brought up again first thing. Asked multiple times to get the paper to review. 8, EIGHT, hours of waiting and being told a Dr would come in to sign- nurse had put in multiple requests (during the day, hospitalists in house) at 7p I made such a stink they called the Nursing Supervisor who managed to get someone in to sign.
Un-be-lievable. (no one can tell I am a little, just a little, beside myself about all of this)
Uffda. We need to move to a country that has a real medical system. This goes beyond I have insurance and or money to get attention.