So something happened with my FSA account on the back end. I've been locked out of the online access/portal for about six weeks now. The message specifically says "For security reasons, you have been locked out of your account. Please call 877-xxx-xxxx.". I'm pretty sure it's a backend problem.
When I call the help line, they tell me to do a password reset. Well I go though, provide my password, security questions, etc., but when I hit "submit" the button clicks, but then stuff doesn't go anywhere. It just stays on the Pasword/security question screen. The IT help has no idea what to do at this point. Twice now they have submitted help tickets to their IT. Twice now I've been told that "IT will call me back in 3-5 days to follow up on this issue". Both times, no response from IT.
As of June 10th, my FSA card has been locked because I have not been able to submit a required E.o.B. form for the purchase of my $100 deductible for my Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor's sensors back in January. I'm gonna need to purchase another round of Insulin this weekend, and I'd rather have the $58 go on my FSA than come out of pocket, since any chance at getting that money back is gonna be a major pain in the arse.
At this point, I'm wondering if the account still has the full allotment of cash in it.
Just super frustrating to deal with.