My comment about looking like a Gendron team might have been a little bit harsh. And I do still think the right man is behind the bench, something Ive been consistent about for quite a while. But another thing that Ive been consistent about for a long time is wanting to see the amount of penalties come down significantly, and though the numbers say they have, it dosen't always feel like it. I would be genuinely curious to know how many majors Maine has against them, and where that ranks both in HEA and nationally, because it seems like Maine gets a lot of majors. I've also thought that the team defense should be an area we look to for improvement, as that's Barr's background as a coach and an area I feel he's recruited heavily. And again, the numbers on average say they have, but watching them often feels like they rely on Ostman quite a lot, and when he isn't on or in the net they struggle. Clearly it wasn't a universal opinion, but I thought they were wretched for 38 minutes of last Friday's game against BU. And while the Terriers are a great team of course, a GAA of 7.00 in one weekend is kind of not awesome, regardless of opponent. And they're still home ice merchants that struggle on the road. Tonight was a very volatile game, but they got the job done in the end which is what matters most. They're on the way up, but Ive been frustrated watching them lately.