In Vino Veritas
Re: The Abortion Debate. Again.
Doesn't matter. My earlier point holds true no matter what point in the process.
Which begs the argument, when is it human?
If you pick time X, I'll pick X - 1 second. And I'll keep backing up until sperm -> egg. The point being is that we don't know for certain. I believe that life begins at conception. I believe will all certainty that when my wife and I lost a baby @ 8 weeks gestation, that that child is in heaven with his grandfather and all prior generations. To deny the personhood of that little embryo denies a part of my wife and me. If that little guy was nothing, than what am I? Her?
Doesn't matter. My earlier point holds true no matter what point in the process.
Becoming is not "being"?
If your mom decided to abort you while you were "becoming", your name wouldn't be your name, you wouldn't have your life, cat, kids, or be posting on this board.
Einstein and other great thinkers and leaders didn't materialize out of thin air. They "became" infants, then toddlers, then teens, then adults and made their contributions to the world. Deny them any step in that process and you've eliminated them completely from history along with their contributions to all of us.