Fine, that wasnt even the crux of what I was saying, it was an offshoot, something that could happen by keeping NASA around and funded...I was not saying that was what the purpose of any of it was. sometimes, in the midst of doing other work, you make discoveries that you never really meant to that was what my point was.
But I am all for cutting funding to NASA now...right after we get rid of the real waste that is out there. How much money is the DOD earning us these days because between their nearly $700 billion general funding and the money spent to fund the wars I sure do hope they are at least giving us some money back to help cover the costs. Wait...
NASA is the red herring, something for Senators and Reps to throw out there as overfunded (nothing new, after the disaster of Apollo 1 NASA was nearly shut down by Mondale and his committee) when in reality I bet everyone in this thread could come up with 10-15 different departments or programs that are less beneficial and more wasteful than NASA. Since most people don't have any stake in it (our stuff good, your stuff BAD!) they will lap it up so they can get more pork thrown their way.