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Re: Suspend Kyle Rau for as long as Jason Zucker is unable to play!
et tu!
Tu Quoque.
et tu!
Tu Quoque.
So what that gutless punk did is justified? I hope all you Gopher b*stards remember your reactions here the next time someone deliberately injures one of your stars.
I doubt Rau really wanted to injure Zucker, yes it was stupid and warranted the 5 min and a game, but intent to injure... doubtful.
Now, you are just pulling **** out of your ***.
I love how pioneers homers are playing this hit up to ridiculous levels. "AND THEN RAU SKATED FULL SPEED AT HIM FROM BEHIND AND SMASHED HIM WITH A TIRE IRON!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT PUNK!"Oh my, what am I going to do, the little man disagrees with my analysis that Rau is a punk. You Gohpoids are such pompous phonies. Like you wouldn't be chapped if the situation were reversed. Quit pretending to be Mother Bloor. Quit rationalizing and justifying a gutless punk who deliberately injured another player.
I love how pioneers homers are playing this hit up to ridiculous levels. "AND THEN RAU SKATED FULL SPEED AT HIM FROM BEHIND AND SMASHED HIM WITH A TIRE IRON!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT PUNK!"
Watch it in real time if you think it's late. Definitely falls into the finishing a check category. Obviously whether he should've checked him in the first place is up for debate.
I think those saying Rau was out to "deliberately injury DU's star" are seeing what they want rather than what happened (just as a couple Gopher fans are guilty of the other way).
It was a reckless and dangerous hit. The intent was definitely to get under Zuckers skin or in his head. He crossed the line in doing so. Making the jump to say he was out to injure Zucker is a gigantic leap. Crossing the line with the physical play and deliberately trying to injure aren't the same thing. Just ask any Sioux player
Look, Rau has no history of this kind of thing; not just in his college career but at any level he has played at. And I'll repeat, that's not meant to excuse the play or take Rau off the hook. The suspension is just in my eyes. It is simply to say that in Rau's career as a hockey player, this incident was an aberration and not part of a pattern.
Hopefully Rau learns from this and this incident will be a single stain on his history rather than 1 of a few. If he does, the small glimmer of a silver lining is that it didn't take another Jesse Martin, Robbie Bina or Jack Jablonski type incident. Little solace to those involved with the DU program, I know.
I also, as so many other WCHA fans have expressed in this thread, hope the WCHA begins dealing with these types of hits with consistency along the hard line taken with Rau. It would be good for the conference. Players need to know that if they step over that line and pose an unnecessary risk to another player (whether potential or realized), they WILL be held accountable by the league. Regardless of who the endangered or injured player is.
I think those saying Rau was out to "deliberately injury DU's star" are seeing what they want rather than what happened (just as a couple Gopher fans are guilty of the other way).
It was a reckless and dangerous hit. The intent was definitely to get under Zuckers skin or in his head. He crossed the line in doing so. Making the jump to say he was out to injure Zucker is a gigantic leap. Crossing the line with the physical play and deliberately trying to injure aren't the same thing. Just ask any Sioux player
Look, Rau has no history of this kind of thing; not just in his college career but at any level he has played at. And I'll repeat, that's not meant to excuse the play or take Rau off the hook. The suspension is just in my eyes. It is simply to say that in Rau's career as a hockey player, this incident was an aberration and not part of a pattern.
Hopefully Rau learns from this and this incident will be a single stain on his history rather than 1 of a few. If he does, the small glimmer of a silver lining is that it didn't take another Jesse Martin, Robbie Bina or Jack Jablonski type incident. Little solace to those involved with the DU program, I know.
I also, as so many other WCHA fans have expressed in this thread, hope the WCHA begins dealing with these types of hits with consistency along the hard line taken with Rau. It would be good for the conference. Players need to know that if they step over that line and pose an unnecessary risk to another player (whether potential or realized), they WILL be held accountable by the league. Regardless of who the endangered or injured player is.
The notion that what Geof Paukovich did to a player on another team before Zucker became a Pioneer somehow justifies or explains what that gutless punk Rau did last night is so childish, so irrelevant and, frankly, so stupid as to require only a minimum effort to swat it down.
I concur. We almost lost Jesse last year. His doctor said the boy had "won the lottery twice" because he wasn't dead and he wasn't paralyzed. Speaking only for myself, I'm probably a little sensitive. But IMO that doesn't explain what seems to me to be an overly legalistic, decidedly empathy free reaction from the Gopher fans who post here.
it no way justifies anything on ice. it justifies the Minnesota fans. didn't hear much out of the DU fans on Paukovich's hit.
He took too many strides but ended up gliding into him. I would agree that the hit was pointless and only served to intimidate but until we adopt USA hockey rules that isn't technically illegal. 5 minutes, sure. A game on top of that is pushing it and a suspension just goes to show that the WCHA makes decisions something like this:I have watched the replay in real time and you can argue the hit wasn't late all you want, he still took too many strides and imho the 5 and game were probably warranted. I'm on the fence about him having to sit tonight but I'm not flabbergasted in the least.
As for some others, call me a homer for saying I don't think it's fair to claim Rau is a punk after one incident. If he does something like this again I'll concede.
Save it. We all want to prevent injuries, but vilifying an 18 year old kid playing in the heat of the moment and calling him a "punk" is outside the lines. I've known the kid since he was a squirt and I'm "sensitive" to your callous remarks.
Oh, I "know" the kid and he couldn't possibly be a "punk." He just did a punk like thing. Tell me what the parameters here, because I certainly don't want to misjudge him or be callous. I'm not vilyfying him, I'm calling a spade a spade. I suppose on some philosophical level you could argue that just because somebody does something punk like it doesn't mean he's actually a punk. Nevertheless, I still say he's a punk. And a gutless one at that.
BTW, while you Gopher bunker dwellers continue to defend the indefensible, we still don't know the nature of Zuker's injury. For all we know, he could be out for the season. But the important thing to remember is this doofus "knows" the kid and he's not a punk. Priorities. Priorities.
NO ONE is defending the decision he made or what he did. You're just the only one hurling verbal insults at an 18-year old kid.
Look I felt bad when Jesse Martin got knocked out by Brad Malone on a vicious hit to the head. Or when Genoway got injured by a hit from behind. This wasn't even close to that.