Plattsburgh's Matt Arujao signs with the Fayetteville [NC] Marksmen of the SPHL
Plattsburgh's Jacob Modry signs with the Savannah Ghost Pirates of the ECHL (affiliated with Vegas).
Arujao was in the starting lineup and scored a game tying goal late in the second in his debut game.
Al Roker does Today Show from SUNY Oswego:
always good to see Al,he promotes Oswego all the time....Go Lakers!!!
I think next season if Platty beats Oz he has to wear a Cardinal sweater for a day ! I would really add some hype to DIII and SUNYAC Hockey
Steve Levy and Linda Cohn are grads too, if memory serves. Good stuff.
Cohn was class of 1981 if that helps you place that in the timelineYes Levy was there when I played, was on all the bus trips etc, worked hard at his craft, nice guy we lived in the same dorm...I believe Cohn was there B4 me..
Cohn was class of 1981 if that helps you place that in the timeline
Cohn was class of 1981 if that helps you place that in the timeline