I'm with you. Wait, wait, wait. How about "Almost Heros?"
Jenny thought of that but did not think the quote came from there. I had no clue at all.
Back to Kathleen Freeman-AKA Sister Mary Stigmata( the Penguin) in the Blues Brothers and also a star of a little known TV series in 1974 with Dom Deluise called Lotsa Luck which I found simply hysterical.
Jenny just yelled out-she was in Athena with Jenny's heartthrob Steve Reeves(Hercules) and also played Rosetta Stone in the old campy Batman series. Darn-I think she was in just about everything.!
Remind Jenny of the old SAT advice: mark down your first choice, it's probably right. I'm 99% sure where that quote came from and on that basis will research one and have it for you shortly.
Still with Kathleen: seems to me I read a piece about her fairly recently that included the "big" revelation that she was gay. Frankly, it had never occurred to me and it's of zero concern. Just an interesting factoid. She just had a face and manner that made her the right answer to the question: who should we get to play_________. I absolutely don't remember "Lotsa Luck," and made it a point to leave town whenever a Steve Reeves movie arrived at our local theatre. She was one of the all time greats, no doubt.
Okay, try this:
"You were born to be murdered."
The Third Man ( I think Trevor Howard says the line-but Joseph Cotton was the star)
BTW I forgot Kathleen Freeman was also the diction coach in Singing In The Rain (teaching Jean Hagen)
Try this one-we need a little levity after the Denver RIT game-
"I bet your father spent the first year of your life throwing rocks at the stork."
"My name is Captain Spaulding, the African explorer"
Groucho in "At the Circus"
You fooled me once this week with a Groucho quote, but not twice.
Yeah, that 3rd man quote was Trevor Howard to Joseph Cotton. Think about Orson Welles' character, on the screen so little, yet dominates the entire film. Sort of like Margaret Hamilton in Wizard of Oz. And Anton Karras' zither music was sublime.
Let me get back to you. Okay:
"Ooh, you mad, impetuous fink, it's champagne!"
"Not exactly. Sparkling Muscatel, one of the finest wines of Idaho."
I din't know this one-Jenny knew it right away-The Muppet Movie (she watches all sorts of things that I don't)
"This is Sam Smith, he's our undercover expert! He's only disguised as Adolf Hitler."
(Hint: This is the worst movie I ever sat through)
This reference is evidently my punishment for springing "Garden of the Finzi-Continis" on you. The worst movie you ever sat through? Something by Ed Wood perhaps? How 'bout a little hint?
I'm in way over my head here. You mentioned a sequel, so I thought of "Santa Claus," and "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians." But the line doesn't seem to fit. Then I thought of "Attack of the Killer Tomatos." That's the best I've got.
I only know "tomatos" by reputation, never having seen it, but the thought of sequels is unsettling.
"Hey! Call a fair game or I'll slap you right in the kisser!"
"You'll slap me? You slap me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize."
Bachelor PartyAngels With dirty faces (I quoted this movie earlier in this thread) but it is worth a second look
"Hi, come on in! Drugs to the right, hookers to the left"
I think they even had a cartoon of that for a while.That will do just fine-Although some people found the movie to be funny-I just found it like a root canal-painful. Apparently they have now made 3 sequels to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I could not possibly watch these after enduring the original. Your turn- Sorry for picking one so awful.
Loki in Dogma, as played by Matt Damon....Bachelor Party
"...but you didn't say God bless you when I sneezed."
"Old School"?
I'm fairly confident here, so I'll go next:
"You're over thirty! By the time a man's over thirty, life should be sad, meaningless and hopeless!"
War and Peace (sorry -got up late this AM) but you can't get a movie by me that has Anita Ekberg in it even in a small part. When I was young I just thought she was something
"Now there's a guy who never goes out of a girl's mind. He just stays there... like a heavy meal."
"The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer?"
Very good. Only quoted it because it was on TV a few days ago and it refreshed my memory.