: D
Too lazy to white it out. To maintain the capital D. ; )
Also, what the hell is going on in western North Dakota where there is light pollution as bad as and over an area as large as Detroit, with no city at all there? Is that just fracking?
That probably isn't healthy.
Also, what the hell is going on in western North Dakota where there is light pollution as bad as and over an area as large as Detroit, with no city at all there? Is that just fracking?
That probably isn't healthy.
This makes me sad. They're going to demolish the Arecibo Observatory.
Run by Cornell for years.
Oceans rise, empires fall. I'm sure it is long since obsolete. We'll always have the work.
I spent a LOT of time in Puerto Rico during my “prior life” of employment... cumulatively, well-over a year. During one 2-week trip I flew “the Wife” and kids down for the weekend, and took them to Arecibo to see the observatory. For me (a “Physics guy”), it was as close to a religious experience I have ever had. It is a shrine, so this news is heart breaking. At least I have the memories of that visit, along with about 30-minutes of video and a bunch of photos to try and keep the memory of that experience alive within this aging head.https://twitter.com/VergeScience/status/1329465438846193669?s=20
This makes me sad. They're going to demolish the Arecibo Observatory.
Um. Wow.The VLA has been the scientific powerhouse of radio astronomy since its inception in the late 1970s, consisting of 27 movable 25 m symmetric antennas, with maximum baselines of 36.4 km. The VLA underwent a major electronics upgrade, completed in 2011, which provided continuous frequency coverage between 1 – 50 GHz. The ngVLA, by comparison, will consist of 214 dishes of 18 m diameter extending up to ~1000 km baselines and an additional 30 (18 m) antennas on scales up to 9,000 km, delivering an order of magnitude improvement in both sensitivity. The ngVLA dishes will not be movable, so different angular scales are achieved using subarray selection. The ngVLA will also extend the operational frequency range from 1.2 –116 GHz (25 – 026 cm).
This is absolute scientific pornography
ESA compiled 25 years of SOHO measurements in to 45 minutes