I mistakenly gave him the benefit of the doubt. I went to school in Wisconsin and have lived here for 10+ years. Married to a Wisconsin girl. Have plenty of UW fans as friends as well. I know his type. Grew up with the whole Packer mystique thing, and has the mind set that Wisconsin fans are the best sports fans in the World, regardless of the sport, etc... If you make any comment that blows a whole in that mentality, they go ape crap and get all defensive.
I don't know how many UW hockey fans have pointed to their attendance figures over the years to boast about how great their fans are, but then get all defensive when you ask them why so few of their games are televised.
As for how "knowledgable" their fans are in general, I have plenty of Badger hockey fans as in-laws and friends who willingly admit that they didn't follow the sport growing up and just attend the games for entertainment purposes. They don't get upset when teased about something dumb they say, and are quick to tease me when I say something dumb when we are watching a Badger basketball game (I'm an unknowledgble BBall fan). It's just good natured ribbing between fan bases. It only becomes personal when these types of of guys can't laugh at the shortcomings of their own fanbases or themselves and turn it into an argument.
I just found it odd that they have been complaining about attendance for months in their own thread, but as soon as a Gopher fan makes any reference to their attendance issues, all of a sudden they don't have attendance problems anymore and the excuses begin. But again, as soon as they start out-drawing us during the regular season, we'll start hearing about how great their attendance is again