Re: SLU Hockey 2011-2012
You do realize that's it's perfectly legal for a player to be in the crease when scoring a goal, so long as the goaltender isn't interfered with, right?
Funny how there's hardly a peep out of you and no talk of "disgraces" and "shining embarrassment" when the refs help SLU win a game. Or does that never happen?
It was a fun back-and-forth game and both teams played hard...there's no need to denigrate either team's effort by whining about the refs, like you do after every single SLU loss, without fail.
It is perfectly legal for players to skate through the crease, not part their butts in there and on Jillson's goal the Cornell player just knocked the SLU goalie on his butt as the shot was taken. Take a look at the tape.
Funny how your coach is the one most recently suspended for abuse of officials. Even more funny that it doesn't matter if the puck went in off of Wick's ear as long as it was not directed in.
There is a different between playing hard and regularly going after the head. Mowry and Craig both had several blatant elbows to the head. One left the best player on the ice for either team dazed and the second left a promising rookie on the ice. Beyond that the Cornell style of play is rivaled only by Brown in terms of its flat out boringness.
There is a difference between not making the right call every time and missing some key calls which happens virtually every game in the ECAC and not protecting the players and not having the guts to make the correct calls.
Finally, if you want to read back a bit further in this thread, read everyone's comments about the SLU-QPAC game a week earlier. That was an utterly disgraceful officiating job that we won game. We had to go 10-10 on the PK and the refs didn't call multiple stick and checking infractions on Q-Pac but called everything on SLU because SLU had a lead.
Some of your fellow Cornell fans come into this thread and flame about our fans having confidence against a Cornell team that had not won at Appleton in six years straight. I believe SLU would have won that game if it had been called even half way as to what happened on the ice. Even the hit at the end of the second by Gotovets or Mowery slashing and cross-checking on every faceoff. Those should have been penalties not warnings. He had been warned earlier and then warned again at the start of the third. Gotovets was a hit after the whistle plain and simple. Perhaps, you missed Wenninger protesting about being interfered with on the Jillson goal which he never does but should have done on this occasion because it was a classic case of GT interference.
Bottomline, for much of this season Kyle Flanagan was leading the league in PPG. He is a premier player and this league is not interested in protecting players when plane is day a player takes five steps and puts the elbow into the kids head. Watch the tape on B2TV and tell me if you are an honest person or living life with Cornellian Red glasses.