I LOL'ed, but disagree that it's "hysterical."
No, it's a much longer story than I inferred with my original post or that I want to get into here. We met four years ago and I kinda chased her for a little while and then really backed off as soon as I found out that she had a boyfriend, but this year I said "Screw it" and went after her anyways. Again, there's much more to it than that, but I'm not about to go into it right now.
But, the whole reason that I posted my original post this week is that she came up to visit (along with a couple of my brothers from my fraternity) this weekend for the Eagles/Bills game. Sunday was fun and then I took her to the Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory on Monday (she loves butterflies) and it was fantastic. Quotes include "Those first steps into the butterfly conservatory are something that I will never forget. Ever" "Nothing that I do this weekend will be as good as this past weekend" "It was almost unfair to be able to see you this weekend and have so much fun and then to have to leave again so suddenly", etc. And, so, I'm p*ssed at myself because I'm torturing myself by chasing so hard and putting both myself and her in impossible situations and I needed to vent and hear everyone b*tch at me for continuing to chase even though I've been friend-zoned.