Re: Shooting at the Empire State Building
Let me give you a little background on the gang originally known as the Blackstone Rangers. Back in the days of LBJ's "war on poverty," these thugs got a white minister to front for them and hired a grant writer. They got (IIRC) about $900,000.00 in "anti-poverty" money. Now any 9-year old in Chicago in those days would know not to give these a*sholes ANY money, let alone hundreds of thousands. But the white liberals in DC, doling out the money by the boxcar full, had no clue. Here's the giggle: the money came from the "Office of Economic Opportunity." I guess so.
The leader was a guy named Jeff Fort. Among other things, he used to money to pay himself and his top thugs handsome salaries. In addition, they spent a lot of money on heavy, military style weapons, which they stored in the basement of the church.
As an initiation into full membership, the Stones required juvenile members to commit a murder in order to make their bones.
The Blackstone Rangers became the Black P. Stone nation which became El Rukns. At some point, Jeff Fort offered the gang's services to Gadaffi in Libya. "We'll commit terrorism in the United States, if you pay us." That wound up on the radar of federal officials. Fort and others were convicted and sent to prison. Fort is serving consecutive life sentences at the Marian federal pen in Illinois. The new Alcatraz.
Don't know if Jeff Fort has any role with the gang now. Naturally he has taken some half a*s "islamic" name (Umma Gumma, or something). But the Blackstones or Black P. Stones or whatever the fook they call themselves, are as violent and vicious a bunch as you could ever find. Cops aren't afraid of them, exactly, but they are very cautious when dealing with them. These days they support themselves with all sorts of criminal activity. I surely hope and wish the mayor and maybe even his pal the president can figure out some strategy to get these urban animals off the streets. They make the guys in the Capone mob look like Mormon missionaries.