The Court (Roberts + liberals + Barrett + Kavanaugh) said "we don't have to overrule Scalia because he opined about generally applicable laws, and in this case Philly left itself the ability to grant waivers at its sole discretion, so it's not a generally applicable law. Therefore we can find it's a violation of the 1st Amendment without digging deeper. And foster care as done in Philly isn't a form of public accommodation, so we don't need to worry about striking down anti-discrimination laws, either"
Barrett said "I would probably overrule Scalia's previous opinion, but I don't need to and I'm going to claim I have no idea what a post-overruling world would look like, so I will join the majority." Kavanaugh also signed onto this. Breyer signed onto this excepting the "I would probably overrule Scalia" part.
Alito said "damned the torpedoes, full speed ahead to religions discriminating against the gays." Thomas and Gorsuch signed onto this.
Gorsuch said, "Let me whine about the majority sidestepping the major question for 10 pages." Thomas and Alito agreed with the whinefest.