Re: Science: Everything explained by PV=nRT, F=ma=Gm(1)•m(2)/r^2
Re: Science: Everything explained by PV=nRT, F=ma=Gm(1)•m(2)/r^2
Given the known psychological differences between the average conservative and average liberal, it's not shocking that comedy leans left and talk radio goes right.
The reason the liberal rage radio didn't work is simply the opposite side of the same coin for why conservative comics almost universally suck.
It may well be a brain thing. Good humor is oblique; conservatives are direct.
Bet they go for Adam Sandler, though.
I don't think it's exactly that conservatives are stupid. There have been smart conservatives, though the vast majority of seriously crippled mental midgets are conservative. The schoolyard bully is the archetypal conservative. Russell Kirk famously observed "not all conservatives are reactionaries but all reactionaries are conservatives." The knee-jerk instinct to fear and despise nuance, subtlety, and complexity is at the heart of conservatism. That's not
all it is, at least in theory. With true conservatives (of whom in the United States there are a tiny number and exactly zero public figures) there is also the healthy instinct to seek a second opinion before embarking on Utopian schemes to replace the roof of the house while we're living in it.
But the thing is: we
all have that instinct, liberals as well. That's a difference of moderation, not left/right. And good lord conservatives violate that principle the instant the hare-brained radical Utopian scheme is
So it's not that they're dumb in everything. They're just missing a few genes here and there that allow non-linear thinking and, coincidentally, clever humor. The conservative comic holds a meat cleaver, not a scalpel.