There is a post on the LSSU thread that indicates UAH and LSSU will be playing this coming season at UAH (Oct 1-2) and the following season at LSSU.
What's the earliest they can officially practice? That's enough of a confirmation for me even though I couldn't find anything on the LSSU website referencing it. I did see a report on their awards banquet though (unlike a certain team we know). ;-)That fits with my understanding of the schedule. This is right at the earliest teams can play under NCAA rules.
What's the earliest they can officially practice? That's enough of a confirmation for me even though I couldn't find anything on the LSSU website referencing it. I did see a report on their awards banquet though (unlike a certain team we know). ;-)
Sat. Oct. 1 v's Lake Superior State
Sun. Oct. 2 v's Lake Superior State
Fri. Dec. 9 @ Minnesota State
Sat. Dec. 10 @ Minnesota State
Fri. Dec. 16 @ Bemidji State
Sat. Dec. 17 @ Bemidji State
Fri. Jan. 6 @ Denver
Sat. Jan. 7 @ Denver
Fri. Jan. 20 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Sat. Jan. 21 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Fri. Feb. 10 @ Miami
Sat. Feb. 11 @ Miami
There is a post on the LSSU thread that indicates UAH and LSSU will be playing this coming season at UAH (Oct 1-2) and the following season at LSSU.
This is something I've wanted for a while. I really think LSSU would be a great area to drag some of the more adventurous students from our college. If nothing else, I love the area. Too bad it's almost impossible to get time off from my job between August and December or I'd take a week and make a trip of it.
Okay, I can't let this go - I never noticed before that you list Antioch as your location, and now you've professed a love for the Soo.
The reason I would care? My sister used to live in Antioch and now lives in Brentwood, and my father-in-law lives on Sugar Island in Sault Ste. Marie (plus I got married in the Soo). BSU is playing there in November, and I'm trying to put together a trip for the family...
It truly is a small world.
That's probably because I changed it a few weeks ago after I moved. I was in Madison, AL. I graduated from UAH in December and took a job here in Tennessee.
I grew up downstate (Flint) but I spent a lot of time in farther north in the state. Great Sleeping Bear near Empire, Higgin's Lake, Tawas, Mackinaw Island, Wilderness State Park, Hiawatha National Forest, the Soo, Whitefish Point, etc. are all childhood memories. I took my wife for the first time last year and she loved the area too. It's just a great place (if you ignore the economics and politics), and one I'd like to return to more often. We didn't get a chance on that trip to actually make the Soo itself, and I'd like to remedy that. A hockey game would be a great excuse.
I wish Michigan would put some money into promoting tourism up along the coast of Lake Superior down here. A lot of the folks in this region would probably love it in the summer and fall, but I seldom saw people from further away than Indiana. It's gorgeous in many areas, great camping and hiking, good hunting too. There are a number of nice bed and breakfasts, some are in the old lighthouses.
I will say one thing... the trail between the falls as Tahquamenon Falls LIES when it says it's four miles. It's closer to 6 or 7. It was fun, but we wore out the plott hound who was with us and that says something.
That pretty much says it all. My wife grew up in rural Marquette County before moving to Rudyard for HS, so I've been all over the UP (went to school at NMU, visited every part of the state, got married in the Soo), and hadn't been back in a number of years until last summer. We did the touristy-type stuff, going all over again (Marquette, Soo and her Mom lives in Traverse City), and just fell in love with Michigan all over. We would love to move back, but the economy is just so terrible. The one chance we had didn't work out for that reason...
What's the earliest they can officially practice? That's enough of a confirmation for me even though I couldn't find anything on the LSSU website referencing it. I did see a report on their awards banquet though (unlike a certain team we know). ;-)
Sat. Oct. 1 v's Lake Superior State
Sun. Oct. 2 v's Lake Superior State
Fri. Dec. 9 @ Minnesota State
Sat. Dec. 10 @ Minnesota State
Fri. Dec. 16 @ Bemidji State
Sat. Dec. 17 @ Bemidji State
Fri. Jan. 6 @ Denver
Sat. Jan. 7 @ Denver
Fri. Jan. 20 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Sat. Jan. 21 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Fri. Feb. 10 @ Miami
Sat. Feb. 11 @ Miami
If the CCHA decideds to take in UAH, is it possible they would do so starting 2012-2013? The league would then have 12 teams for that year before Michigan State, Ohio State, and Michigan leave for the Big 10.
Sat. Oct. 1 v's Lake Superior State
Sun. Oct. 2 v's Lake Superior State
Fri. Oct. 14 v's Bowling Green State
Sat. Oct. 15 v's Bowling Green State
Fri. Dec. 9 @ Minnesota State
Sat. Dec. 10 @ Minnesota State
Fri. Dec. 16 @ Bemidji State
Sat. Dec. 17 @ Bemidji State
Fri. Jan. 6 @ Denver
Sat. Jan. 7 @ Denver
Fri. Jan. 20 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Sat. Jan. 21 @ Minnesota-Duluth
Fri. Feb. 10 @ Miami
Sat. Feb. 11 @ Miami
Can we get any type of confirmation that the BGSU games will be on Fri. and Sat. instead of Sat. and Sun.?