Re: Saturday, 11/14/09 Scores: within the 3 hour window.
On another note,In the first intermission,who ever the guys are that are talking in between the periods on WNYO,were talking about how the crowds are rowdy in Oswego usually for their home games and how the arena is absolutly packed tonight their etc....He then stated that Oswego is 2nd in D-III in attendence and how Utica is #1 in attendence soley because Utica plays in their cities municipal arena.....what? Just because you play in an arena with a high Capacity doesen't mean at all that you'll get a lot of people to come to the games.....a perfect example would be Lebanon Valley,they play at the Hershypark arena with holds somewhere around 7,250.Lebanon Valley averages about 150 people to their games,which is about 2.5% percent filled.Another bias remark by the WNYO people...
I was listening to the broadcast including the intermission reports. There was mention somewhere in there of the municipal facility in Utica. And honestly, everything that they said was completely true. A large part of the attendance at Utica is from City Residents who go there for leisure time and to drink alcohol while there. Also, the connection was never made between Utica's attendance and the fact that it's because of a municipal center. In the postgame show the guy with the deep voice did point out that there wasn't a whole lot to do in Utica anymore. And there isn't. My grandparents live in Corn Hill and I personally am afraid to go outside when I visit them.
This is one reason why people fail to take Utica College student fans seriously. For every respectable fan there, there's someone who taints the name of a highly respectable hockey team by embellishing details to make the opposition look biased.
Sure, the color guy may need some work. He was stepping on the play by play guy who I thought was decent. With a little bit more time I think he'll be better on choosing his chances to talk.
But the intermission guys were fine. As a matter of fact, those three guys have done a couple of intermission reports so far and, I can tell you, they are a lot better than anyone else who has done it so far.
As a resident of Verona and an alum at Oswego it's hard for me to route for either team when they play UC. Those guys are the most balanced group yet.
It just angers me that some posters could be so childish. It ruins Utica College's reputation.[/QUOTE]
Ok,there was definitly a connection made from Utica's attendence and the Fact that Utica plays in the cities municipal arena! Why do you think they were even talking about the places where each team plays? .....becasue they were talking about the crowds that each team gets at their home games.Like i said before,just because you have a big arena,with a high capacity doesen't mean that your going to fill up the building(ie.Lebanon Valley),because you have a high capacity arena does not have any bearing on how many people you will get yo your games.....and your grandmas live in Corn Hill? we'll thats not exacly the most extravagent place/part in Utica to live in,so thats just one section of Utica thats rough.
The color guy may need some work? please! how did he try out to be on WNYO and get selected to be on there? he's annoying,has the worst prases,and doesent let the PBP guy do his job.The PBP guy,was decen't,and i mean that,he was pretty good.Utica has a radio station that does air some of our games,and i stress the word some,because UC hockey is not in any way a priority for them,because around here,as you probably know from being around here,High School football is the priority,so not until december,if were lucky,will UC hockey be aired on Radio.
I'm being Childish? how? i'm just giving my opinion on the how i thought WNYO did.....I never said the whole station is bad,just that they come off very bias to me,with most of the calls that were aginst Oswego's favor and that the Color guy for Oswego isint very good.