Ralph Baer
Let's Go 'Tute!
Re: RPI & Union @ Clarkson & SLU (2/8, 2/9)
Edit: More info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._history_of_alcohol_minimum_purchase_age_by_state.
Thanks for the info. I had not realized that a lot of states had lowered the age from 21. It was 18 already in NY when I turned 18 in 1966, and I am pretty sure that it was 21 at the time in the surrounding states.It varied from state to state. Illinois was 21 and Wisconsin was 18 which meant many of my peers in senior year in high school made regular road trips across the border. Massachusetts was 18 when I was in college there.
Congress passed the "National Minimum Drinking Age Act" in 1984, according to Wikipedia. While Congress lacked the Constitutional authority to regulate the drinking age directly (Bill of Rights 10th Amendment); they skirted their lack of direct authority by inserting a provision in the Federal Aid Highway Act that said that any state that had a drinking age less than 21 would lose 10% of its Federal apportionment of highway funds for every year under 21.
From the Wikipedia article:
Edit: More info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._history_of_alcohol_minimum_purchase_age_by_state.
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