Re: RPI Hockey 2019 - 2020 Part II: Moving on with 2020 Vision!
Welcome back!!! A lot of new arena rumors down the road in the Electric City. 4,000 seat multi-purpose. We will see if it's real. They just had a $52 million donor.
According to press reports on day of the announcement, the donor couple (husband [chairman, ceo of Texas instruments] and wife [ex-GE information systems], Union graduates from class of '80) gave a $51 million gift to the school.
According to the Union website,
Powering Union is a $300 million capital campaign; currently, they have $221 million in leadership gifts.
The $300 M is to be allocated in these ways:
- $65 M to
ensuring access; supporting financial aid (generating interest, I imagine)
- $150 M
propelling liberal arts and engineering (facility enhancements was listed as 4th of 5 priorities listed)
- $30 M
developing students beyond the classroom (from the website:
co-curricular programs and student services
- $55
Union Fund (sounds like their 'investment arm' for research, supplementing financial aid and 'adding to the student experience.'
Couple of comments:
- Sounds like a very comprehensive plan. And they'er raising money. Union raised $ to support a $200 M plan about 10/12 years ago. Compare that to RPI.
- The focus on the plan is primarily liberal arts... here's the money quote from their Chair of the College Board of Directors (again, from their website):
"No better way to invest my time, talent and treasure than by supporting Union College's mission to provide a world-class liberal arts education for the next generation of leaders."
- There probably is some money for an updating of Achilles Rink but remember that their rink is very landlocked on a small campus. Building a 4,000 seat multipurpose facility would almost certainly have to be located off-campus or would involve a major re-imagining/reconstruction of their campus. Land is scarce and, with many priorities, money is finite.
For those wondering will money go to engineering, yes... the donors of the $51 M gift want to support engineering, computer science and drawing more 'women and underrepresented students' into these fields. However, Union's 3 minute video on their college website main page mentions the word 'engineering' once.
Union is a liberal arts school.