Don't bet your ranch on that, especially for 17-18. We only beat out SLU by a game and a half last year. We also just had a double digit win total for the first time in three years.
Despite this past weekend and the numbers not really bearing it out yet, the hockey is better now. The recruits that came in this year are better than anything we have seen recently. Next years recruits (nine) look at least as good.
There were more decent to good weekends and less bad to terrible weekends this year than either of the last two years. Yes, on some of the latter type weekend you left with the feeling that this is never going to get turned around. However, you left with that feeling noticeably less this year than either of the last two.
Come to think of it, with nine guys coming in and only four going out, we may not be seeing much of some who were suiting up regularly this year. Not to celebrate anyone being demoted or outright fired but this is competitive sports that people pay good money to see. That fact gives improvement the nod over feeling bad about some guys no longer being in the plans.
As for the coach being bad, I seriously doubt it. As for the coach not being any better than the previous one, that does not even deserve an answer. The only edge I know of that the previously coach garners is that female fans UNANIMOUSLY preferred his Bobby Darin type good looks.