Things change for sure but not only is the Freakout not the same, but also losing the RPI Invitational Tournament has changed this program considerably. This did not happen over night but was a process that occurred during the previous coach's tenure. Whether the blame lies with him or the administration, the change is palpable. It was not too long ago that a ticket for the Freakout was scalpable and now they almost cannot be given away as a freebie. I am sure there are a multitude of other items we could point to that have all added up to lowering the prestige of the program but these two are glaring. The makeup of the student body has changed over the years, the availability of following the games on the internet feeds the general laziness inherent in society, the long drought in the program since our last truly successful season are all instrumental. As has been said many times by me and others, we have a great group of boys trying their best and i just think they deserve as much support as can be given them. I still have hopes that we will see something like Doug Hearns streaking down left wing and beating the all world goalie of college hockey in OT. Or maybe even a John Carter shot in OT beating Minnesota Duluth to get us to the NCAA Championship game.