Wicked Slappaahs
I miss Tie Domi
What is the story with Kyle St. Denis? He was bought in early to fill the hole when Hackett was kicked off the team. He has never really been given a chance to show what he can do and gave up a year of eligibility, I think, for a small part of a season. Why not give him a shot? They really have little to lose. If they aren't going to do that, I would rotate the goalies the rest of the way unless someone really demonstrates clear superiority in goal. That has not happened so far. How will this work going forward? Perry is a Junior, Marshall a Freshman (or is it First Year?), and St. Denis is a Sophomore. Will one (or more) be dropped for a new prospect? The team clearly can't get better unless the goaltending gets better. Lastly, SA was foremost a goalie coach. Who is filling that role now? That may be part of the problem here.
Jewell handles the goalies. 13 games for Marshall is certainly far too few draw any conclusions. It is a big jump from juniors to D1. One need to look no further than Q'pacs frosh keeper Petruzzelli --he entered the fall as the #2 draft eligible goalie in NA. He's had his struggles in cracking the lineup and is 3.95/.860 at present.
I agree that our keepers have allowed some soft goals - and I believe they can and will tighten this up. What has not been mentioned is our propensity to allow opponents "layup" goals due to lack of defensive responsibility and/or effort by those playing IN FRONT of the keepers.
Defense -- in any sport-- is a mentality, a mindset and is largely born from effort - busting your a**. Next time you watch Clarkson or Union, observe how they play around their keepers. Vastly different ATTITUDE vs how RPI plays, IMO.
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