Re: RPI Hockey 2012-2013 Part 1: Pocket Protectors and Hockey Sticks
It certainly is something of legitimate concern, but it would speak larger about the character of the player, which I think was already sorted out by the coaching staff prior to the kid even touching a practise jersey.
If I'm to understand all this we are concerned about hurting the players feelings or them having a negative reaction to dicipline jeeez if thats the case we do have a problem ! Benching is a tactic thats been used by coaches forever as a motivator(ie:not wanting to be benched again) to improve your level of play, heck wasn't A Rod benched for game 5 ! I hope their not only mad at the coach but they are furious at him and go out in the next game and show just how wrong he was to bench them. Or I guess they can feel like their being picked on just go thru the motions and teach the coach a lesson if thats the reaction thats on them.
It certainly is something of legitimate concern, but it would speak larger about the character of the player, which I think was already sorted out by the coaching staff prior to the kid even touching a practise jersey.