Just some thoughts - whatever changes are made, and I suspect they will be minor if at all), I strongly suspect that results would be slight if any in the immediate future. I do not think the program can be turned around in a short period of time. This was for me the second worst season I have ever endured in my over 60 years of following the program. Not so much because of the poor overall record (nothing could match the 1965-66 season in that regard), but because I was just expecting more after the past few years. Before the season I felt the defense and special teams would tell most of the story and that we would simply live or die will how well we managed those two aspects of the game. The stats do not have to be mentioned here as we all know we were simply horrible all season.
But at the same time I have to wonder how far away from putting a competitive team on the ice we really are? Perhaps even some rather small change making a formidable difference? I have spent the last couple weeks watching a top notch Denver team play with the two defensive player brothers (the Buium boys). I fully understand that it would be most unlikely (near impossible ) that we could ever get these kinds of recruits to come to Troy at this time. But these 2 brothers, a junior and a freshman, seem to make the difference virtually every game for the team. Since we are firmly in the off season early again, just tossing this out there for everyone to ponder. If we could leave everything else discussed the same. Keep the offense we have, keep the coaching staff we have, keep the HFH just as it is, how much of a difference does everyone here think we would see if we had those two fellows recruited here and playing here for the past year?
Would we still be talking about major changes needed or would we be perhaps still playing this year?
Agree about Dmen. Good teams are built from the goal line out. There was a lot of issues with their positioning this year especially around the blue paint. That's coaching IMO.